
If your exploration has led you here, you’re probably seeking help beyond the limits of conventional western medicine. Shamanism is the oldest form of healing in the world, passed down for generations in cultures on every inhabited continent. It works on the subtlest aspect of humanity – our luminous energy body. 

Modern western medicine is unsurpassed in treating physical illness. But you are more than just your physical self – you are an emotional, intellectual, and spiritual being. In fact, everyone has a luminous energy body that surrounds you, and helps organize your experiences. These non-physical luminous spaces are where shamanic energy medicine is practiced.

If you break your ankle, it will generally get better on its own. But what about emotional or spiritual traumas? Are you limping energetically from a prior traumatic event? Are you stuck in old patterns? What’s holding you back from living a full, vibrant life?

From a shamanic perspective, traumas and unresolved emotions can get stored in our luminous energy body and eventually lead to depression, anxiety, or other conditions. Releasing these imprints can bring healing to the energy body, which then flows to our spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and even physical selves.

My sessions focus on self-exploration because I believe that is the key to healing. Transformation lives within you.

How can Shamanic Energy Medicine help me?

Here are the areas where Shamanic Energy Medicine can help you:

What is shamanic energy medicine?

  • Greater sense of peace or clarity

  • Improved energy levels

  • Grief or Bereavement

  • Depression or Anxiety

  • Unresolved Anger

  • Guilt

  • Prior Trauma (physical or emotional)

  • Difficult relationships (professional and personal)

  • Life transitions (marriage, divorce, new job)

Sometimes you don’t know specifically what is bothering you, but you may feel:

  • Lost or confused

  • Burned out

  • Caught in old, repetitive patterns

  • Consumed by regrets about the past

  • Worried about the future

  • Ready to make a change, but not sure how.

What can I expect during a session?

  • Initial 15-minute phone conversation

  • 75-90 minute healing session which includes:

    • Introductory conversation

    • Step-by-step guided energy practice

    • Discussion of my findings and your experience

    • Homework recommendations to integrate the energy work into your daily life.

    • Sessions are $150

Click below or on the navigational bar for more information.

Here is a list of the Shamanic Services I offer.

Questions? Check out my FAQ for Shamanic Medicine here.