
acupuncture Frequently asked questions

What happens during a treatment?

The treatment involves using very small needles to activate or stimulate the acupuncture points. When those points are stimulated, the body’s Qi (pronounced “chee,” meaning “energy”) starts to flow, and balance can be restored. Once the needles are in, people typically either fall asleep or rest in a sleeplike state.

Most of the points are on the arms below the elbows, the legs below the knees, the scalp, and in the ears. Wearing shorts and a T-shirt is ideal. Some conditions require access to your abdomen (GI issues or fertility) or other areas where you have specific pain (lower back, shoulder blades). In those cases, I may ask you to disrobe further to access those points. Your privacy will be protected with a sheet.

Does it hurt?

The needles are small and hair-thin. They may pinch or sting slightly when they are first going in. Usually, taking a deep breath will help to settle down the stinging. Once the needles are in, they can feel a bit dull, achy, crampy, throbbing, or warm. That is the Qi (energy) moving.

What if I can’t tolerate needles?

Acupuncture is probably not for you.

What can I expect from the treatment?

It takes time for your body to adjust to this new movement of energy. You may not necessarily feel a change right away. Acupuncture is a cumulative treatment – it builds up over time. Most people have been dealing with pain or their other concerns for a long time before coming to acupuncture. It takes time to unwind those issues. I typically recommend once a week for 3-4 weeks to start. If you are in acute pain, twice a week might be necessary.

Is it safe for everyone?

Generally, yes. Most people get some benefit from the treatment and there are very few side effects.

Please see the Informed Consent form for details.

What if I don’t feel better?

Acupuncture is a broad field and there are multiple techniques that are available to help you. If you are not getting relief after a couple of sessions, we can discuss if those other options may help you.

Where are services performed?

Deep Springs Health is at 2100 1st Ave S, Suite #105 in Minneapolis, MN 55404.

It shares space with Blue Spark Community Acupuncture at The Well Healing Arts Center.

Hours are:

  • Monday and Wednesday mornings from 8am-2pm

  • Sunday afternoons from 2pm-5pm.

Please reach out here to schedule an appointment.

The Well has on-site parking behind the building, as well as nearby street parking.

Questions before scheduling? Please reach out by filling out the contact form to discuss what is the best option for you.

What if my questions isn’t listed?

Visit the contact page and fill out the contact form and I’ll get back to you with a response.

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